If you are a registered realIntroduction user, please feel free to place any of the following graphics ("web badges") on your website, or use them in printed promotional materials. By using any web badge below, you agree to abide by the Usage License listed at the bottom of this page.
How To Use
‥ If you are a Windows user, right-click on the image you wish to use, and select "Save image as..."
‥ If you are a Macintosh user, drag the image onto your desktop.
Usage License / Copyright
Astoundit, Inc. is pleased to offer you a license to use the above web badge graphics on your website, printed marketing, and other promotional materials. Use the above web badges only if you are a registered realIntroduction user. You may not use the above web badges or any Astoundit, Inc. graphics on a web page or other medium which contains subject matter which Astoundit, Inc. may deem, at its sole discretion, in poor taste or to be disparaging to Astoundit, Inc. or its products or services.