If you're using a Macintosh, your child can practice their handwriting skills while using Kidwidget!
How It Works
Using a special computer accessory called a "pen tablet", your child can write words on virtual paper - using a special pen - and have it automatically translated into computer-text. A pen tablet looks very similar to a normal pen and paper. If you don't have a pen tablet already, there are many manufacturers - with products starting under $100. We can't express how cool this feature really is, you just have to try it for yourself!
What Do You Need?
To use this cool feature, you need to have a "pen tablet" for your computer. Here's where you can get a cheap (But very good) tablet for your computer...
Manufacturer: Wacom Technology
Product: Graphire3
Price: $99.95
Website: Information or Where To Buy
* Handwriting recognition is only available in the Macintosh version of Kidwidget.